Not cleaning this shit up

E. Almqvist 4 years ago
parent 3df4cd5398
commit b31e465659
  1. 104

@ -206,53 +206,66 @@ def copyList(lst):
# return line
# def addPars(chars:list):
# curDepth = 0
# addDepth = 0
def addPars(chars:list):
curDepth = 0
addDepth = 0
# isSearching = False
isSearching = False
# offset = 0
# for i, char in enumerate(chars):
# if( char == "(" ):
# curDepth += 1
# elif( char == ")" ):
# curDepth -= 1
offset = 0
for i, char in enumerate(chars):
if( char == "(" ):
curDepth += 1
elif( char == ")" ):
curDepth -= 1
# if( char == "+" ):
# before = chars[i-1+offset]
# if(before == ")" or before == "("):
# chars.insert(i+offset, 0)
# offset += 1
if( char == "+" ):
before = chars[i-1+offset]
# if(before == ")" or before == "("):
# chars.insert(i+offset, "0")
# offset += 1
# curDepth2 = curDepth
# for di, char2 in enumerate(chars[i+1:]):
curDepthSec = curDepth
for di, char2 in enumerate(chars[i+1:]):
# if( char2 == "(" ):
# curDepth2 += 1
# elif( char2 == ")" ):
# curDepth2 -= 1
if( char2 == "(" ):
curDepthSec += 1
elif( char2 == ")" ):
curDepthSec -= 1
# print(f"{i=} : {di+1=} {char=} {char2=} {curDepth=}/{curDepth2=}")
if( curDepthSec != curDepth ):
# if( char2 == "*" and curDepth == curDepth2 ):
# chars.insert(i+offset+di, ")")
# offset += 1
print(f"{i=} : {di+1+offset=} {char=} {char2=} {curDepth=} : {curDepthSec=}")
if( char2 == "*" and curDepth == curDepthSec ):
chars.insert(i+offset+di, ")")
offset += 1
# # if( char == "+" and not isSearching ):
# # chars.insert(i-1+offset, "(")
# # addDepth = curDepth
# # isSearching = True
# # offset += 1
# # elif( char == "*" and curDepth == addDepth ):
# # chars.insert(i+offset, ")")
# if( char == "+" and not isSearching ):
# chars.insert(i-1+offset, "(")
# addDepth = curDepth
# isSearching = True
# offset += 1
# return chars
# elif( char == "*" and curDepth == addDepth ):
# chars.insert(i+offset, ")")
return chars
class Fusk(int):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __mul__(self, other):
return Fusk(self.value + other.value)
def __sub__(self, other):
return Fusk(self.value * other.value)
# addPars( strToList("2*3+(4*5)") )
def parseMath2(line:str):
line = line.replace(" ", "")
@ -285,13 +298,28 @@ def parseMath2(line:str):
# problem = mathproblems[0]
# print(problem.replace(" ", ""))
# newprob = problem.replace(" ", "")
# probList = addPars( strToList(newprob) )
# newprob = lstToStr(probList)
# res = parseMath2(problem)
# print("\n--##########################--")
# print( problem, "=", res )
# mathsum = 0
mathsum, mathsum2 = 0, 0
for maththing in mathproblems:
mathsum += parseMath(maththing)
x = str.maketrans({"*": "-", "+": "*"})
trans = maththing.translate(x)
print("##############", x, trans)
# for maththing in mathproblems:
# mathsum += parseMath(maththing)
maththing = re.sub( r"([0-9]+)", r"Fusk(\1)", trans )
mathsum2 += eval(maththing)
# print(mathsum)
print(mathsum, mathsum2)
