
E. Almqvist 4 years ago
parent 294b72cb9d
commit 3df4cd5398
  1. 233

@ -110,149 +110,184 @@ def lstToStr(lst):
def copyList(lst):
return [elem for elem in lst]
# def addPars(line:str):
# chars = strToList(line)
# plusCount = chars.count("+")
# seekingEnd = None
# parsPos = dict()
# print("#", line)
# for i in range(len(chars)):
# char = chars[i]
# def addParsToSub(line:str):
# # this function split the strings addition thing
# # no parenthesis here
# if(char == "+"):
# parsPos[i-1] = None
# seekingEnd = i-1
# addlines = line.split("*") # each element is an addition
# #newline = "("
# newline = ""
# if( (char == "*" and seekingEnd != None) ):
# parsPos[seekingEnd] = i
# seekingEnd = None
# for i in range(len(addlines)):
# l = addlines[i]
# if( i < 1 ):
# newline += f"({l})*"
# elif( i >= 1 and i < len(addlines)-1 ):
# newline += f"({l})*"
# elif( i == len(addlines)-1 ):
# newline += f"({l})"
# if( seekingEnd != None and i >= len(chars) - 1 ):
# parsPos[seekingEnd] = i+1
# seekingEnd = None
# #newline += ")"
# if( seekingEnd != None and char == ")" ):
# parsPos[seekingEnd] = i+1
# seekingEnd = None
# return newline
# print(f"{i=}:{char=} {parsPos=}")
# offset = 0
# needEnd = 0
# for pstart, pend in parsPos.items():
# print("#", pstart, pend)
# def getLowestPar(par:dict):
# bestdiff = None
# bestkey = None
# if(pend != None):
# chars.insert(pstart+offset, "(")
# offset += 1
# for key, val in par.items():
# diff = val - key
# chars.insert(pend+offset, ")")
# offset += 1
# else:
# chars.insert(pstart+offset, 0)
# offset += 1
# printMath(chars)
# if( bestdiff == None ):
# bestdiff = diff
# bestkey = key
# continue
# chars.insert(pstart+offset, "+")
# offset += 1
# printMath(chars)
# if( diff > bestdiff ):
# bestdiff = diff
# bestkey = key
# continue
# chars.insert(pstart+offset-2, "(")
# offset += 1
# printMath(chars)
# return bestkey
# needEnd += 1
# for i in range(needEnd):
# chars.append(")")
# print("RES", end=" ")
# printMath(chars)
# def addPars(line:str, usedPar=[]):
# line = line.replace(" ", "")
# newline = line
# count = 0
# return chars
# # Get pars etc
# pars = findParens(line)
# chars = strToList(line)
# import ast
# print(pars)
# def recurse(node):
# out = ""
# if( isinstance(node, ast.Add) ):
# # Get pars with lowest depth
# start = getLowestPar(pars)
# end = pars[start]+1
# def addPars(line:str):
# out = strToList(line)
# # Enclose addition in pars
# subline = lstToStr(chars[start:end])
# newsubline = addParsToSub(subline)
# offset = 0
# parDepth = 0
# seekingClose = False
# newline = newline.replace(subline, newsubline)
# # for start, end in pars.items():
# # if( not start in usedPar ):
# # x, y = start, end+1
# # subline = lstToStr(chars[x:y])
# # newsubline = addParsToSub(subline)
# # newline.replace(subline, newsubline)
# # print(f"{newsubline=}")
# print("FINAL", newline)
# print(subline, newsubline)
# print(addParsToSub(newline))
# def addParsRec(line:str, usedPar=[]):
# line = line.replace(" ", "")
# newline = line
# pars = findParens(newline)
# startFound = None
# endFound = None
# for i in range(len(line)):
# char = line[i]
# prefix = "-----"
# def addParsRec(line:str, i=0, it=None):
# it = it or line.count("(")
# if( char == "+" and not seekingClose ):
# out.insert(i - 1 + offset, "(" )
# seekingClose = True
# startFound = i-1+offset
# offset += 1
# if( i < it ):
# return addParsRec( addParsToSub(line), i+1, it )
# else:
# return line
# prefix = "start"
# def addPars(chars:list):
# curDepth = 0
# addDepth = 0
# elif( char == "(" ):
# parDepth += 1
# isSearching = False
# offset = 0
# for i, char in enumerate(chars):
# if( char == "(" ):
# curDepth += 1
# elif( char == ")" ):
# parDepth -= 1
# curDepth -= 1
# elif( (char == "*") and seekingClose and parDepth == 0 ):
# out.insert(i + offset, ")")
# offset += 1
# seekingClose = False
# endFound = i+offset
# if( char == "+" ):
# before = chars[i-1+offset]
# if(before == ")" or before == "("):
# chars.insert(i+offset, 0)
# offset += 1
# prefix = "close"
# curDepth2 = curDepth
# for di, char2 in enumerate(chars[i+1:]):
# if( char2 == "(" ):
# curDepth2 += 1
# elif( char2 == ")" ):
# curDepth2 -= 1
# print(f"{i=} : {di+1=} {char=} {char2=} {curDepth=}/{curDepth2=}")
# math = lstToStr(out)
# print(f"{prefix} {i=}:{char=} {math=} {offset=}")
# if( char2 == "*" and curDepth == curDepth2 ):
# chars.insert(i+offset+di, ")")
# offset += 1
# return out
def addParsToSub(line:str):
# this function split the strings addition thing
# no parenthesis here
addlines = line.split("*") # each element is an addition
newline = ""
# # if( char == "+" and not isSearching ):
# # chars.insert(i-1+offset, "(")
# # addDepth = curDepth
# # isSearching = True
# # offset += 1
for i in range(len(addlines)):
l = addlines[i]
if( i < 1 ):
newline += f"({l})*"
elif( i >= 1 and i < len(addlines)-1 ):
newline += f"({l})*"
elif( i == len(addlines)-1 ):
newline += f"({l})"
# # elif( char == "*" and curDepth == addDepth ):
# # chars.insert(i+offset, ")")
return newline
# return chars
def parseMath2(line):
line = line.replace(" ", "")
# addPars( strToList("2*3+(4*5)") )
def parseMath2(line:str):
line = line.replace(" ", "")
count = 0
# calculate all pars and replace them
pars = findParens(line)
chars = strToList(line)
for start, end in pars.items():
calc = calcMath(chars[start:end+1])
for j in range(start, end+1):
chars[j] = ""
chars[start] = str(calc)
# remove bad chars
chars = list( filter(lambda c: c != "", chars) )
# calculate the rest
count += calcMath(chars)
return count
problem = mathproblems[0]
res = parseMath2(problem)
print( problem, "=", res )
# problem = mathproblems[0]
# res = parseMath2(problem)
# print("\n--##########################--")
# print( problem, "=", res )
# mathsum = 0
