I am a {secondsToYears(getAge())} year old{" "}
Computer Science & Engineering student with a passion for{" "}
physics, programming, mathematics and
anything *NIX
Most of my projects are open-source, and if you are interested, you can find all of my projects on my{" "} git-server {" "} or{" "} GitHub .
You can contact me through email. And if you prefer it, you can contact me using PGP. Do note that my{" "} email address below is encrypted as a precaution against bots et cetera. Do not worry, it is easy to crack. Alternatively you could query for my email with my PGP fingerprint (key-id) on some PGP key server (i.e. the{" "} MIT {" "} or{" "} Ubuntu {" "} key-server).
68B2 9768 49F0 3C72 38AE B081 E31A 99CE 3E75 A158