A fake auction house I made for a school project.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# User table model
class User < Entity
# Find user by ID, returns multiple results if multiple IDs exist
# (which wont happen since IDs are unique)
def self.find_by_id(id)
self.get("*", "id = ?", id)
# Find user by email, same as above but for emails.
# Also unique
def self.find_by_email(email)
self.get("*", "email = ?", email)
def self.validate_register_creds(email, name, password, password_confirm)
# Field check
check_all_fields = email != "" && name != "" && password != "" && password_confirm != ""
# Check email
check_email_dupe = self.find_by_email(email).length <= 0
check_email_valid = email.match(EMAIL_REGEX) != nil
# Name
check_name_len = name.length >= MIN_NAME_LEN
# Password
check_pass_equals = password == password_confirm
check_pass_len = password.length >= MIN_PASSWORD_LEN
# This code is really ugly
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:fields] unless check_all_fields
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:email_dupe] unless check_email_dupe
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:email_fake] unless check_email_valid
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:name_len] unless check_name_len
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:pass_notequals] unless check_pass_equals
return false, REGISTER_ERRORS[:pass_len] unless check_pass_len
return true, ""
# Register a new user
# Returns: success?, data
def self.register(email, name, password, password_confirm)
check, errorstr = self.validate_register_creds(email, name, password, password_confirm)
if( check ) then
pw_hash = BCrypt::Password.create(password)
data = { # payload
name: name,
email: email,
pw_hash: pw_hash
resp = self.insert(data) # insert into the db
return check, resp
return check, errorstr
# Log in user
# Returns: success?, auth token
def self.login(email, password)
user_query = self.find_by_email email # get the user info
if user_query.length >= 1 then
user_info = user_query.first