@ -1,22 +1,23 @@ |
#auctions |
aside |
h2 Search Filters |
.form-container |
form action="/auctions" method="get" |
label Keywords |
input type="search" name="title" placeholder="Keywords (ex: computer, teapot)" |
.content-container |
#auctions |
aside |
h2 Search Filters |
.form-container |
form action="/auctions" method="get" |
label Keywords |
input type="search" name="title" placeholder="Keywords (ex: computer, teapot)" |
label Price range |
input type="range" name="price_rng" |
label Price range |
input type="range" name="price_rng" |
label Is Open? |
input type="checkbox" name="isopen" value="1" |
label Is Open? |
input type="checkbox" name="isopen" value="1" |
input type="submit" value="Search" |
article |
h2 Results |
input type="submit" value="Search" |
article |
h2 Results |
ul |
- auctions.each do |auction| |
li |
| #{auction["title"]} |
ul |
- auctions.each do |auction| |
li |
| #{auction["title"]} |
@ -1,21 +1,22 @@ |
h1 Post Auction |
.form-container#auction_new |
form action="/auctions" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
input type="file" name="image" accept="image" |
.content-container |
h1 Post Auction |
.form-container#auction_new |
form action="/auctions" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
input type="file" name="image" accept="image" |
label Title |
input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Title" pattern="#{TITLE_REGEX_STR}" |
label Title |
input type="text" name="title" placeholder="Title" pattern="#{TITLE_REGEX_STR}" |
label = "Initial Price #{COINS_PREFIX} #{COINS_SUFFIX}" |
input type="number" name="init_price" value="#{MIN_INIT_PRICE}" min="#{MIN_INIT_PRICE}" |
label = "Initial Price #{COINS_PREFIX} #{COINS_SUFFIX}" |
input type="number" name="init_price" value="#{MIN_INIT_PRICE}" min="#{MIN_INIT_PRICE}" |
label Auction duration (hours) |
input type="number" name="delta_time" value="1" min="1" |
label Auction duration (hours) |
input type="number" name="delta_time" value="1" min="1" |
textarea name="description" cols="20" rows="5" title="Content length must be between #{MIN_DESC_LEN} and #{MAX_DESC_LEN} characters" pattern="#{DESC_REGEX_STR}" maxlength="#{MAX_DESC_LEN}" placeholder="Description" |
textarea name="description" cols="20" rows="5" title="Content length must be between #{MIN_DESC_LEN} and #{MAX_DESC_LEN} characters" pattern="#{DESC_REGEX_STR}" maxlength="#{MAX_DESC_LEN}" placeholder="Description" |
label Categories |
- Category.get_all.each do |category| |
input type="checkbox" name="category-#{}" value="#{}" = |
label Categories |
- Category.get_all.each do |category| |
input type="checkbox" name="category-#{}" value="#{}" = |
input type="submit" value="Post" |
input type="submit" value="Post" |
@ -1,2 +1,3 @@ |
h1 = auction.title |
h2 = auction.description |
.content-container |
h1 = auction.title |
h2 = auction.description |
@ -1,13 +1,14 @@ |
article.index |
h1.tcenter The Auction House |
p.tcenter |
| Welcome to the Auction House! With our convenient online auction platform, you can easily browse through listings and find great deals on everything from clothes to electronics. |
ul.button-container |
li.em |
a.button href="/auctions" = "Browse Auctions" |
li |
a.button href="/auctions/new" = "Post Auction" |
.content-container |
article.index |
h1.tcenter The Auction House |
p.tcenter |
| Welcome to the Auction House! With our convenient online auction platform, you can easily browse through listings and find great deals on everything from clothes to electronics. |
ul.button-container |
li.em |
a.button href="/auctions" = "Browse Auctions" |
li |
a.button href="/auctions/new" = "Post Auction" |
article.index |
h1.tcenter.title |
| Recent posts |
article.index |
h1.tcenter.title |
| Recent posts |
@ -1,48 +1,49 @@ |
#profile-container |
aside |
#userinfo.card.card-container |
h2 = |
h3 = user.role |
.content-container |
#profile-container |
aside |
#userinfo.card.card-container |
h2 = |
h3 = user.role |
.avatar-container |
img.avatar src="#{user.avatar}" alt="#{}'s avatar" |
.avatar-container |
img.avatar src="#{user.avatar}" alt="#{}'s avatar" |
h4 = user.bio_text |
h4 = user.bio_text |
ul.button-container |
- unless == session[:userid] |
a.button href="mailto:#{}" |
li Email |
a.button href="/profile/#{}/rep" |
li Review user |
- else |
a.button href="/settings" |
li Edit profile |
ul.button-container |
- unless == session[:userid] |
a.button href="mailto:#{}" |
li Email |
a.button href="/profile/#{}/rep" |
li Review user |
- else |
a.button href="/settings" |
li Edit profile |
- if user.roles.length >= 1 |
#roles.card |
h2 Roles |
.card-container |
ul.button-container |
- user.roles.each do |role| |
li |
label style="color: #{role.color};" = |
- if user.roles.length >= 1 |
#roles.card |
h2 Roles |
.card-container |
ul.button-container |
- user.roles.each do |role| |
li |
label style="color: #{role.color};" = |
#reputation.card |
h2 Reputation |
- if user.rep_score == GOOD_REP |
|||| = user.reputation_text |
- elsif user.rep_score == BAD_REP |
|||| = user.reputation_text |
- else |
h3.gray = user.reputation_text |
h4 Based on user reviews |
a.button href="/profile/#{}/rep" |
| + Write a review |
#reputation.card |
h2 Reputation |
- if user.rep_score == GOOD_REP |
|||| = user.reputation_text |
- elsif user.rep_score == BAD_REP |
|||| = user.reputation_text |
- else |
h3.gray = user.reputation_text |
h4 Based on user reviews |
a.button href="/profile/#{}/rep" |
| + Write a review |
#posts.card |
h2 Recent posts |
.card-container |
//== user.bio_html |
#posts.card |
h2 Recent posts |
.card-container |
//== user.bio_html |
@ -1,14 +1,15 @@ |
#settings |
h1.tcenter = "#{}'s Settings" |
.form-container |
form action="/user/update" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
img.avatar_big src="#{session_user.avatar_url}" alt="Your avatar" |
label Change avatar |
input type="file" name="image" accept="image" |
.content-container |
#settings |
h1.tcenter = "#{}'s Settings" |
.form-container |
form action="/user/update" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
img.avatar_big src="#{session_user.avatar_url}" alt="Your avatar" |
label Change avatar |
input type="file" name="image" accept="image" |
label Display name |
input type="text" oninput="this.reportValidity()" title="May only contain alphabetical characters and must be between #{MIN_NAME_LEN} and #{MAX_NAME_LEN} characters long" maxlength="#{MAX_NAME_LEN}" name="displayname" value="#{}" pattern="#{NAME_REGEX_STR}" |
label Display name |
input type="text" oninput="this.reportValidity()" title="May only contain alphabetical characters and must be between #{MIN_NAME_LEN} and #{MAX_NAME_LEN} characters long" maxlength="#{MAX_NAME_LEN}" name="displayname" value="#{}" pattern="#{NAME_REGEX_STR}" |
label Biography |
textarea name="bio" cols="20" rows="5" title="Content length must be between #{MIN_BIO_LEN} and #{MAX_BIO_LEN} characters" pattern="#{BIO_REGEX_STR}" maxlength="#{MAX_BIO_LEN}" placeholder="Tell us about yourself!" value="#{session_user.bio_text}" = session_user.bio_text |
input type="submit" value="Update" |
label Biography |
textarea name="bio" cols="20" rows="5" title="Content length must be between #{MIN_BIO_LEN} and #{MAX_BIO_LEN} characters" pattern="#{BIO_REGEX_STR}" maxlength="#{MAX_BIO_LEN}" placeholder="Tell us about yourself!" value="#{session_user.bio_text}" = session_user.bio_text |
input type="submit" value="Update" |
Reference in new issue