@ -324,22 +324,45 @@ class Auction < EntityModel
self . insert data
def self . compose_query_filters ( title = nil , categories = nil , price_rng = nil , expired = nil )
querystr = " SELECT * FROM Auction "
querystr += " WHERE " if ( title and title . length != 0 ) or categories or price_rng or expired
def self . compose_query_filters ( title = nil , categories = nil , min_price = nil , max_price = nil , expired = nil )
querystr = " SELECT * FROM Auction WHERE "
filters = [ ]
# Title filter
filters << " title LIKE '% #{ title } %' " if title and title . length != 0
filters << " price BETWEEN #{ price_rng [ 0 ] } AND #{ price_rng [ 1 ] } " if price_rng && price_rng . length == 2
filters << " end_time < #{ Time . now . to_i } " if ! expired . nil?
# Price filters
if min_price and max_price then
filters << " price BETWEEN #{ min_price } AND #{ max_price } "
elsif min_price then
filters << " price >= #{ min_price } "
elsif max_price then
filters << " price <= #{ max_price } "
# Time filter
filters << " end_time #{ expired == true ? " < " : " > " } #{ Time . now . to_i } "
# Categories filter
if categories then
ah_ids = [ ]
categories . each do | catid |
if ah_ids == [ ] then
ah_ids = Auction_Category_relation . category_auction_ids ( catid ) # first time then include all
ah_ids |= Auction_Category_relation . category_auction_ids ( catid ) # union
filters << " id IN ( #{ ah_ids . join ( " , " ) } ) " # check if the auction id is any of the ids calculated above
querystr += filters . join " AND "
return querystr
def self . search ( title = nil , categories = nil , price_rng = nil , expired = nil )
q = self . compose_query_filters title , categories , price_rng , expired
data = self . query ( q ) or [ ]
def self . search ( title = nil , categories = nil , min_price = nil , max_price = nil , expired = nil )
q = self . compose_query_filters title , categories , min_price , max_price , expired
data = self . query ( q )
data . map! { | dat | self . new ( dat ) }
@ -499,6 +522,11 @@ class Auction_Category_relation < EntityModel
@auction_id = data [ " auction_id " ]
@category_id = data [ " category_id " ]
def self . category_auction_ids ( catid )
ids = self . get " auction_id " , " category_id = ? " , catid
ids && ids . map! { | id | id [ " auction_id " ] . to_i }