-- This plugin was made by AlmTech and comes with the master branch of Quantum -- You may remove this if you want. if SERVER then local plugin = {} print("loaded beta stuff") plugin.vechilesTypes = { ["jeep"] = function( pos, ang ) local ent = simfphys.SpawnVehicleSimple( "sim_fphys_jeep", pos, ang ) return ent end, ["duke"] = function( pos, ang ) local ent = simfphys.SpawnVehicleSimple( "sim_fphys_dukes", pos, ang ) return ent end, ["couch"] = function( pos, ang ) local ent = simfphys.SpawnVehicleSimple( "sim_fphys_couch", pos, ang ) return ent end, ["heli"] = function( pos, ang ) local ent = ents.Create( "wac_hc_littlebird_mh6" ) if( !IsValid(ent) ) then Quantum.Error( "Failed to create WAC helicopter" ) return end ent:SetPos( pos ) ent:SetAngles( Angle( 0, 0, 0 ) ) ent:Spawn() ent:Activate() return ent end } function plugin.spawnvehicle( ply, type ) if( IsValid( ply.vehicle ) ) then Quantum.Notify.Deny( ply, "You already have a vehicle spawned! Remove it by typing: /remve" ) else if( plugin.vechilesTypes[type] != nil ) then local spawnpos = ply:GetPos() + Vector( 110, 0, 50 ) ply.vehicle = plugin.vechilesTypes[type]( spawnpos, Angle( 0, 0, 0) ) else Quantum.Notify.Deny( ply, "That is not a valid vehicle ID!" ) end end end function plugin.delvehicle( ply ) if( IsValid( ply.vehicle ) ) then ply.vehicle:Remove() end end local function runChatCMD( ply, txt ) local tbl = string.Split( txt, " " ) if( tbl[1] == "/spawn" ) then if( tbl[2] != nil ) then print( "yes") plugin.spawnvehicle( ply, tbl[2] ) return "" else Quantum.Notify.Deny( ply, "Please input a vehicle type. Example: /spawn couch" ) return "" end elseif( tbl[1] == "/remve" ) then plugin.delvehicle( ply ) ply:ChatPrint( "Deleted vehicle." ) return "" end end hook.Add( "PlayerSay", "Quantum_Plugin_SpawnVehicles_ChatCMD", function( ply, txt, tchat ) runChatCMD( ply, txt ) end) end