-- __ _ _______ _ __ -- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \ -- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \ -- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > > -- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / / -- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/ Quantum.Net = {} util.AddNetworkString( "quantum_menu_net" ) util.AddNetworkString( "quantum_menu_button_net" ) local function CacheDatatableMethod( id, datatable, ply ) if( ply.cache == nil ) then ply.cache = {} end if( ply.cache[id] == nil ) then -- if this is the first time then create a cache record ply.cache[id] = { cache = datatable -- won't be defining the count here } end if( ply.cache[id].count == nil ) then ply.cache[id].count = 1 else ply.cache[id].count = ply.cache[id].count + 1 end -- keep count of how many times we have cached this datatable if( ply.cache[id].count > 1 ) then -- dont want to filter out data if this is the first time. for k, v in pairs( datatable ) do -- loop through the datatable for k2, v2 in pairs( table.GetKeys( ply.cache[id].cache ) ) do -- check each key with each key from the record cache if( tostring(k) == tostring(v2) ) then -- check if the keys are the same if( v == ply.cache[id].cache[tostring(v2)] ) then -- check if the value/contents are the same datatable[k] = nil -- if so then remove the key from the datatable else -- if the key's value has changed we dont remove it since the client needs to know about it ply.cache[id].cache[tostring(v2)] = v -- and then update the cache so we know about it next time end end end end end datatable.id = id -- give it the id so that the client side could handle it -- Always give the id since it is highly "valuable". -- Don't want the client mixing up the NPC, which this caching system could do if not handled correctly. return datatable end local function SendDatatableToClient( client, dt, type ) local datatable = CacheDatatableMethod( type, dt, client ) -- before we actually send the stuff, cache it and remove unneeded stuff net.Start( "quantum_menu_net" ) if( table.Count( datatable ) > 0 ) then -- if it's empty just dont send it because we will save 8 bits net.WriteTable( datatable ) -- send the data to the player end net.Send( client ) end function Quantum.Net.OpenMenu( pl, type, dt ) SendDatatableToClient( pl, dt, type ) end local funcs = { ["createChar"] = true } local netfuncs = { createChar = function( pl, args ) print("ping pong") Quantum.Server.Char.Load( pl, 1, args ) end } local function runNetFunc( pl, func, args ) if( funcs[func] ) then netfuncs[func]( pl, args ) else Quantum.Error( tostring(pl) .. " tried to run a non existant networked function! func: '" .. tostring( func ) .. "'" ) end end net.Receive( "quantum_menu_button_net", function( len, pl ) local funcid = net.ReadString() local args = net.ReadTable() runNetFunc( pl, funcid, args ) end)