-- __ _ _______ _ __ -- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \ -- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \ -- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > > -- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / / -- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/ Quantum.Server.Inventory = {} Quantum.Inventory.Size = Quantum.Inventory.Width * Quantum.Inventory.Height function Quantum.Server.Inventory.Create( char ) char.inventory = {} return char.inventory end local function isEquippable( item ) return item.equipable || false end local function isStackable( item ) return item.stack || false end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, pos, itemid, amount ) local setItemTbl = {} if( amount < 1 ) then setItemTbl = nil else local item = Quantum.Item.Get( itemid ) if( isEquippable( item ) || !isStackable( item ) ) then amount = nil setItemTbl = { itemid } else amount = amount || 1 setItemTbl = { itemid, amount } end end char.inventory[pos] = setItemTbl -- remove the item -- Sent the new data to the client Quantum.Net.Inventory.SetItem( pl, pos, itemid, amount ) end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.GetSlotItem( char, pos ) return char.inventory[pos] end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindStackable( char, item ) if( item.stack ) then local inv = Quantum.Server.Char.GetInventory( char ) for i, item2 in pairs( inv ) do if( item2[1] == item.id && item2[2] < item.stack ) then -- if the item is stackable and it is the same item return i -- return its index end end else return end end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindItemSpot( char ) local inv = Quantum.Server.Char.GetInventory( char ) local pos = 0 local item for ii = 1, Quantum.Inventory.Width * Quantum.Inventory.Height, 1 do item = inv[ii] if( item == nil ) then pos = ii break end end return pos end local function getStackSize( char, item ) return item.stack || 1 end local function sortItem( pl, char, itemid, amount ) Quantum.Debug( "--Stacking Debug--" ) local item = Quantum.Item.Get( itemid ) local slotitem = Quantum.Server.Inventory.GetSlotItem( char, index ) local inv = Quantum.Server.Char.GetInventory( char ) local stacksize = getStackSize( char, item ) local index = Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindStackable( char, item ) || #inv + 1 local rest = amount if( slotitem != nil ) then rest = rest + slotitem[2] end local count = 0 local itemInSlot = Quantum.Server.Inventory.GetSlotItem( char, index ) if( itemInSlot != nil ) then if( itemInSlot[1] == itemid && itemInSlot[2] < stacksize ) then local add = itemInSlot[2] + amount if( add > stacksize ) then rest = rest - ( stacksize - itemInSlot[2] ) else rest = rest - amount end local setAmt = math.Clamp( add, 1, stacksize ) Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, index, itemid, setAmt ) print( "1", itemid, setAmt, rest, index ) end else local setAmt = math.Clamp( amount, 1, stacksize ) local pos = Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindItemSpot( char ) rest = rest - setAmt Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, pos, itemid, setAmt ) print( "2", itemid, setAmt, rest, pos ) end while( rest >= stacksize ) do count = count + 1 if( count == 1 ) then local setAmt = math.Clamp( amount, 1, stacksize ) if( itemInSlot != nil ) then setAmt = math.Clamp( itemInSlot[2] + amount, 1, stacksize ) end rest = rest - setAmt local pos = Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindItemSpot( char ) Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, pos, itemid, setAmt ) print( "3", itemid, setAmt, rest, pos ) else index = index + 1 itemInSlot = Quantum.Server.Inventory.GetSlotItem( char, index ) if( itemInSlot != nil ) then if( itemInSlot[1] == itemid && itemInSlot[2] < stacksize ) then rest = rest - ( stacksize - itemInSlot[2] ) Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, index, itemid, stacksize ) print( "4", itemid, stacksize, rest, index ) if( rest <= 0 ) then rest = 0 break end end else rest = rest - stacksize Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, index, itemid, stacksize ) print( "5", itemid, stacksize, rest, index ) end end end local stackIndex = Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindStackable( char, item ) print( "stackIndex=", stackIndex ) local pos if( stackIndex == nil ) then pos = Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindItemSpot( char ) Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, pos, itemid, rest ) print( "6", itemid, rest, rest, pos ) else if( rest > 0 ) then pos = stackIndex itemInSlot = Quantum.Server.Inventory.GetSlotItem( char, pos ) local setAmt = math.Clamp( itemInSlot[2] + rest, 1, stacksize ) local diff = ( itemInSlot[2] + rest ) - setAmt rest = rest - diff if( rest <= 0 ) then Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, pos, itemid, setAmt ) print( "7", itemid, setAmt, rest, pos ) end end end Quantum.Debug( "--End of Stacking Debug--" ) end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.GiveItem( pl, itemid, amount ) -- Quantum.Server.Inventory.GiveItem( Entity(1), "test2", 21 ) local char = Quantum.Server.Char.GetCurrentCharacter( pl ) -- Quantum.Server.Inventory.GiveItem( Entity(1), "test", 1 ) local inv = Quantum.Server.Char.GetInventory( char ) local item = Quantum.Item.Get( itemid ) if( item == nil ) then Quantum.Error( "Tried to give " .. tostring(pl) .. " a non-existent item! Item '" .. tostring(itemid) .. "' does not exist." ) return end if( #inv + 1 <= Quantum.Inventory.Size || Quantum.Server.Inventory.FindStackable( char, item ) != nil ) then sortItem( pl, char, itemid, amount ) else Quantum.Debug( "Tried to give " .. tostring(pl) .. " a item but their inventory is full!" ) end end function Quantum.Server.Inventory.DropItem( pl, index, amount ) -- Quantum.Server.Inventory.DropItem( Entity(1), 1, 9 ) local char = Quantum.Server.Char.GetCurrentCharacter( pl ) -- Quantum.Server.Inventory.DropItem( Entity(1), 4, 1 ) local inv = Quantum.Server.Char.GetInventory( char ) if( inv[index] != nil ) then local itemid = inv[index][1] local item = Quantum.Item.Get( itemid ) if( item.soulbound == true ) then Quantum.Notify.Deny( pl, "You can not drop that item!" ) return end -- players cant drop soulbound items local am_diff = inv[index][2] - amount if( am_diff >= 0 ) then -- drop the item from the players inv -- remove the items am_diff from its stack Quantum.Server.Inventory.SetSlotItem( pl, char, index, itemid, am_diff ) -- spawn the item infront of the player Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItemAtPlayer( pl, itemid, amount ) end else Quantum.Error( "Player " .. tostring( pl ) .. " tried to drop a something from index=" .. tostring(index) .. " where there exists no item." ) end end