-- __ _ _______ _ __ -- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \ -- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \ -- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > > -- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / / -- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/ Quantum.Node = {} -- lib Quantum.Nodes = {} -- container for vars Quantum.NodesLocations = {} function Quantum.Node.AddNodeType(id, entclass) Quantum.NodeType[id] = entclass -- for plugins and such end function Quantum.Node.Create( nodeid, tbl ) local node = { name = tbl.name || "Unknown Node", model = tbl.model || "error", -- will create the infamous error model type = tbl.type || Quantum.NodeType.resource, toolids = tbl.toolids || {}, -- if it's empty then you can use all sweps/tools canGather = tbl.canGather || false, give = tbl.give || {}, giveprobability = tbl.giveprobability || 1, health = tbl.health || Quantum.DefaultNodeHealth, respawn = tbl.respawn || Quantum.DefaultNodeRespawnTimer, voiceLines = tbl.voiceLines || {}, damageSounds = tbl.damageSounds || {} } node.id = nodeid Quantum.Nodes[nodeid] = node return node end function Quantum.Node.Get( nodeid ) return Quantum.Nodes[nodeid] end if SERVER then function Quantum.Node.Spawn( nodeid, vec, ang ) local node = Quantum.Node.Get( nodeid ) local ent = ents.Create( node.type ) ent.node = node ent.respawndelay = node.respawn || 30 ent.probability = node.probability || 1 ent:SetModel( node.model ) ent:SetPos( vec ) ent:SetAngles( ang ) ent:SetNWString( "q_node_id", nodeid ) ent:SetHealth( node.health ) ent:Spawn() end function Quantum.Node.Remove( ent ) local nodeTbl = ent.node if( ent.node != nil ) then local nodeid = nodeTbl.id local pos, ang = ent:GetPos(), ent:GetAngles() timer.Simple( ent.respawndelay, function() Quantum.Node.Spawn( nodeid, pos, ang, nodeTbl.respawn, nodeTbl.probability ) -- respawn it after x seconds end) ent:Remove() -- remove the node else Quantum.Error( "Node table is nil! Aborting..." ) return end end function Quantum.Node.GetAllEntities() local out = {} for k, nodetype in pairs( Quantum.NodeType ) do for k, node in pairs( ents.FindByClass(nodetype) ) do out[#out + 1] = node end end return out end function Quantum.Node.RemoveAll() for k, node in pairs( Quantum.Node.GetAllEntities() ) do Quantum.Node.Remove( node ) end end function Quantum.Node.RemoveAllPerma() for k, node in pairs( Quantum.Node.GetAllEntities() ) do node:Remove() end end function Quantum.Node.Register( nodeid, vec, ang1 ) Quantum.NodesLocations[ #Quantum.NodesLocations + 1 ] = { id = nodeid, pos = vec, ang = ang1 } end function Quantum.Node.SpawnAllRegistered() local nodeTbl for k, v in pairs( Quantum.NodesLocations ) do nodeTbl = Quantum.Node.Get( v.id ) if( nodeTbl != nil ) then Quantum.Debug( "----Node-Spawning-Info----" ) PrintTable(v) Quantum.Debug( "--------------------------" ) Quantum.Node.Spawn( v.id, v.pos, v.ang ) else Quantum.Error( "Tried to spawn an invalid node ('" .. v.id .. "')!" ) end end end function Quantum.Node.UpdateAll() Quantum.Debug( "Updating all nodes..." ) Quantum.Node.RemoveAllPerma() Quantum.Node.SpawnAllRegistered() end hook.Add( "PlayerInitialSpawn", "Quantum_Init_Nodes_Load", function() Quantum.Debug( "Spawning registered nodes..." ) if( #player.GetAll() == 1 ) then -- spawn the stations when the first player joins Quantum.Node.SpawnAllRegistered() end end) hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "Quantum_Nodes_RemoveOnNoPlayers", function() Quantum.Debug( "Removing all nodes..." ) if( #player.GetAll() - 1 <= 0 ) then Quantum.Node.RemoveAllPerma() end end) local function randomizeLootTable( tbl, prob ) local n = math.Rand( 0.001, 1 ) if( n <= prob ) then local index = math.random( 1, #tbl ) return tbl[index].item, tbl[index].amount || 1 end end function Quantum.Node.Gather( pl, tool, ent, dmgInfo ) local nodeTbl = ent.node if( ent.node != nil ) then if( !nodeTbl.canGather ) then return end local nodeid = nodeTbl.id local toolids = nodeTbl.toolids if( toolids != nil ) then local canGather = false -- This is fucking retarded. if( #toolids > 0 ) then for i, t in pairs( toolids ) do if( tool == t ) then canGather = true break end end else canGather = true end if( canGather ) then if( dmgInfo != nil ) then ent:SetHealth( ent:Health() - dmgInfo:GetDamage() ) if( ent:Health() <= 0 ) then Quantum.Node.Remove( ent ) end end local loot, amount = randomizeLootTable( nodeTbl.give, nodeTbl.giveprobability ) if( loot != nil ) then if( !Quantum.Server.Settings.ItemsGatheredSpawnInWorld ) then Quantum.Server.Inventory.GiveItem( pl, loot, amount ) local itemTbl = Quantum.Item.Get( loot ) Quantum.Notify.ItemGathered( pl, itemTbl, amount ) else local eyepos = pl:GetEyeTraceNoCursor() if( eyepos.Entity == ent ) then local pos = LerpVector( 0.75, eyepos.StartPos, eyepos.HitPos ) Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItem( pos, loot, amount ) end end else return end end end end end end