-- __ _ _______ _ __ -- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \ -- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \ -- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > > -- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / / -- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/ Quantum.Effect = {} -- lib Quantum.Effects = {} -- container for all of the effects function Quantum.Effect.Create( effectid, tbl ) local effect = { id = effectid, title = tbl.title || "Unknown Effect", desc = tbl.desc || "An effect that does stuff.", rarity = tbl.rarity || Quantum.Rarity.Common, duration = tbl.duration, func = { start = tbl.startfunc || Quantum.EmptyFunction, runtime = tbl.runtimefunc || Quantum.EmptyFunction, stop = tbl.stopfunc || Quantum.EmptyFunction } } Quantum.Effects[effectid] = effect return effect end function Quantum.Effect.Get( effectid ) return Quantum.Effects[effectid] end if SERVER then -- server only functions function Quantum.Effect.AddRuntimeFunction( pl, effectid ) pl.effecthooks = pl.effecthooks || {} local effectTbl = Quantum.Effect.Get( effectid ) if( effectTbl != nil ) then local hookID = "Quantum_Effects_RunTime_" .. tostring(pl:SteamID64()) .. "_" .. tostring(effectid) pl.effecthooks[ #pl.effecthooks + 1 ] = hookID Quantum.Debug( "Adding runtime effect hook: " .. hookID ) hook.Add( "Think", hookID, function() effectTbl.func.runtime( pl ) end) end end function Quantum.Effect.RemoveRuntimeFunction( pl, effectid, hookID ) hookID = hookID || "Quantum_Effects_RunTime_" .. tostring(pl:SteamID64()) .. "_" .. tostring(effectid) Quantum.Debug( "Removing runtime effect hook: " .. hookID ) hook.Remove( "Think", hookID ) end function Quantum.Effect.RemoveAllRuntimeFunctions( pl ) if( pl.effecthooks != nil ) then Quantum.Debug( "Removing all runtime hooks for " .. tostring(pl) .. "." ) for n, hookid in pairs( pl.effecthooks ) do Quantum.Effect.RemoveRuntimeFunction( pl, nil, hookid ) end end end hook.Add( "PlayerDisconnected", "Quantum_Effects_RemoveHooksOnDisconnect", function( ply ) Quantum.Effect.RemoveAllRuntimeFunctions( ply ) end) function Quantum.Effect.Remove( pl, effectid, character ) local effectTbl = Quantum.Effect.Get( effectid ) local char = character || Quantum.Server.Char.GetCurrentCharacter( pl ) if( effectTbl != nil ) then Quantum.Effect.RemoveRuntimeFunction( pl, effectid ) char.effects[effectid] = nil effectTbl.func.stop( pl ) -- run the end function end end function Quantum.Effect.RemoveAll( pl ) local char = Quantum.Server.Char.GetCurrentCharacter( pl ) if( char.effects != nil ) then Quantum.Debug( "Removing all " .. tostring(pl) .. " effects." ) for i, effect in pairs( char.effects ) do Quantum.Effect.Remove( pl, effect, char ) -- remove the effect end Quantum.Effect.RemoveAllRuntimeFunctions( pl ) end end function Quantum.Effect.Give( pl, effectid ) local effectTbl = Quantum.Effect.Get( effectid ) local char = Quantum.Server.Char.GetCurrentCharacter( pl ) if( effectTbl != nil ) then Quantum.Debug( "Giving " .. tostring(pl) .. " the '" .. tostring(effectid) .. "' effect." ) if( effectTbl.func.start != nil && effectTbl.func.start != Quantum.EmptyFunction ) then effectTbl.func.start( pl ) end if( effectTbl.func.runtime != nil && effectTbl.func.runtime != Quantum.EmptyFunction ) then Quantum.Effect.AddRuntimeFunction( pl, effectid ) end if( effectTbl.duration != nil ) then timer.Simple( effectTbl.duration, function() Quantum.Effect.Remove( pl, effectid ) -- remove the effect from the player after its duration is over end) end char.effects[ #char.effects + 1 ] = effectid -- add it to the effect table so that we can remove it later end end hook.Add( "PlayerDeath", "Quantum_Effects_LooseOnDeath", function( ply ) Quantum.Effect.RemoveAll( ply ) -- remove all effects end) end