-- __ _ _______ _ __ -- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \ -- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \ -- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > > -- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / / -- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/ local main = {} local theme = Quantum.Client.Menu.GetAPI( "theme" ) local surebox = Quantum.Client.Menu.GetAPI( "sure" ) local scenes = { ["rp_truenorth_v1a_livin"] = { [1] = { [1] = { fov = 60, velocity = 1, pos1 = Vector( 3473.962158, -5456.522949, 4205.845703 ), ang1 = Angle( 6.283165, -108.298935, 0.000000 ) } }, [2] = { [1] = { fov = 70, velocity = 1, pos1 = Vector( 10481.976562, -6193.810059, 5464.451172 ), ang1 = Angle( 3.220725, 103.288849, 0.000000 ) } }, [3] = { [1] = { fov = 85, velocity = 1, pos1 = Vector( 6285.742676, -14192.770508, 53.289391 ), ang1 = Angle( -0.052740, 158.862747, 0.000000 ) } }, [4] = { [1] = { fov = 85, velocity = 1, pos1 = Vector( -11803.785156, -13864.571289, -39.331917 ), ang1 = Angle( 7.180876, 118.805817, 0.000000 ) } } }, -- ["rp_dunwood_eu"] = { [1] = { [1] = { fov = 80, velocity = 1, pos1 = Vector( 3845.0456542969, 10594.700195313, 1220.03125 ), ang1 = Angle( -43.528274536133, -141.58242797852, 0 ) } } } } function main.open(dt) if( !f ) then if( IsValid( Quantum.Client.CurMenu ) ) then Quantum.Client.CurMenu:Close() end Quantum.Client.IsInMenu = true -- hide the hud local resScale = Quantum.Client.ResolutionScale local sw, sh = ScrW(), ScrH() local padding = 10 * resScale local padding_s = 4 * resScale local buttonWidth = 400 * resScale local buttonColor = Color( 20, 20, 20, 180 ) local buttonTextColor = Color( 255, 255, 255, 255 ) local buttonFont = "q_button2" local f = vgui.Create( "DFrame" ) f:SetSize( sw, sh ) f:SetTitle( "" ) f:SetDraggable( false ) f:ShowCloseButton( false ) f:MakePopup() f.Paint = function( self ) theme.renderblur( self, 2, 7 ) end if( scenes[ game.GetMap() ] != nil ) then Quantum.Client.Cam.Start( scenes[ game.GetMap() ][math.random( 1, table.Count(scenes[ game.GetMap() ])) ], false ) else Quantum.Error( "There are no scenes for this map! Aborting scene..." ) end local version = vgui.Create( "DLabel", f ) version:SetText( "Quantum Version: " .. Quantum.Version ) version:SetFont( "q_text2" ) version:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 80 ) ) version:SizeToContents() version.w, version.h = version:GetSize() version:SetPos( padding, padding ) local tFrame = vgui.Create( "DPanel", f ) tFrame:SetSize( sw, 150 * resScale ) tFrame.w, tFrame.h = tFrame:GetSize() tFrame:SetPos( 0, sh/4.5 - tFrame.h/2 ) tFrame.Paint = function( self, w, h ) theme.titleframe( self ) end local title = vgui.Create( "DLabel", tFrame ) title:SetText( Quantum.ServerTitle || "[ERROR COULD NOT FIND TITLE]" ) title:SetFont( "q_title" ) title:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 225 ) ) title:SizeToContents() title.w, title.h = title:GetSize() title.Paint = function( self ) --theme.blurpanel( self, Color( 0, 0, 0, 150 ) ) end local sub = vgui.Create( "DLabel", tFrame ) sub:SetText( "Run by Quantum, created by AlmTech" ) sub:SetFont( "q_subtitle" ) sub:SetTextColor( Color( 255, 255, 255, 150 ) ) sub:SizeToContents() sub.w, sub.h = sub:GetSize() sub.Paint = function( self ) --theme.blurpanel( self, Color( 0, 0, 0, 90 ) ) end ---- Align it ---- title:SetPos( tFrame.w/2 - title.w/2, tFrame.h/2 - ( title.h + sub.h )/2 ) title.x, title.y = title:GetPos() sub:SetPos( tFrame.w/2 - sub.w/2, title.y + sub.h + padding*2 ) sub.x, sub.y = sub:GetPos() ---- BUTTONS ---- local xbasepos = 0 --padding*6 local ybasepos = sh*0.775 - padding*20 local ypos = ybasepos local contBtnAlign = 5 -- resume button if( dt.cont.resume ) then local res = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) res:SetText( "Resume Game" ) res:SetFont( buttonFont ) res:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) res:SizeToContents() res.w, res.h = res:GetSize() res:SetSize( buttonWidth, res.h ) res.w, res.h = res:GetSize() res:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) res.x, res.y = res:GetPos() res.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) -- theme.fadebutton( self, 1, Color( 90, 90, 240 ) ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end res.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) f:Close() Quantum.Client.Cam.Stop() Quantum.Client.IsInMenu = false end res.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end res:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) ypos = ypos + res.h + padding * 1.5 end -- play button local play = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) play:SetText( "Play" ) play:SetFont( buttonFont ) play:SizeToContents() play.w, play.h = play:GetSize() play:SetSize( buttonWidth, play.h ) play.w, play.h = play:GetSize() if( dt.cont.resume ) then play:SetText( "Change Character" ) play:SizeToContents() play.w, play.h = play:GetSize() play:SetSize( buttonWidth, play.h ) play.w, play.h = play:GetSize() end play:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) play:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) play.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end play.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) f:Close() Quantum.Client.Menu.Menus["character"].open( dt ) end play.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end play:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) ypos = ypos + play.h + padding * 1.5 -- Settings button local settings = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) settings:SetText( "Settings" ) settings:SetFont( buttonFont ) settings:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) settings:SizeToContents() settings.w, settings.h = settings:GetSize() settings:SetSize( buttonWidth, settings.h ) settings.w, settings.h = settings:GetSize() settings:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) settings.x, settings.y = settings:GetPos() settings.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end settings.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) end settings.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end settings:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) ypos = ypos + settings.h + padding * 1.5 -- Workshop button local ws = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) ws:SetText( "Steam Workshop" ) ws:SetFont( buttonFont ) ws:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) ws:SizeToContents() ws.w, ws.h = ws:GetSize() ws:SetSize( buttonWidth, ws.h ) ws.w, ws.h = ws:GetSize() ws:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) ws.x, ws.y = ws:GetPos() ws.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end ws.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) gui.OpenURL( Quantum.WorkshopLink ) end ws.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end ws:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) ypos = ypos + ws.h + padding * 1.5 -- Discord server invite button local inv = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) inv:SetText( "Discord Invite" ) inv:SetFont( buttonFont ) inv:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) inv:SizeToContents() inv.w, inv.h = inv:GetSize() inv:SetSize( buttonWidth, inv.h ) inv.w, inv.h = inv:GetSize() inv:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) inv.x, inv.y = inv:GetPos() inv.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end inv.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) gui.OpenURL( Quantum.DiscordInvite ) end inv.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end inv:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) ypos = ypos + inv.h + padding * 1.5 -- Quit button local quit = vgui.Create( "DButton", f ) quit:SetText( "Disconnect" ) quit:SetFont( buttonFont ) quit:SetTextColor( buttonTextColor ) quit:SizeToContents() quit.w, quit.h = quit:GetSize() quit:SetSize( buttonWidth, quit.h ) quit.w, quit.h = quit:GetSize() quit:SetPos( xbasepos, ypos ) quit.x, quit.y = quit:GetPos() quit.Paint = function( self ) --theme.sharpbutton( self, buttonColor ) theme.fadebutton( self, 1 ) end quit.DoClick = function( self ) surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonclick.wav" ) surebox.open( "You are about to leave the server.", self:GetParent(), function() LocalPlayer():ConCommand("disconnect") end) end quit.OnCursorEntered = function() surface.PlaySound( "UI/buttonrollover.wav" ) end quit:SetContentAlignment( contBtnAlign ) end end return main