Quantum is a Garry's Mod RPG framework.
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6 years ago
-- __ _ _______ _ __
-- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \
-- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \
-- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > >
-- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / /
-- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/
Quantum.Item = {}
Quantum.Items = {}
function Quantum.Item.Create( itemid, args )
local item = {
id = itemid,
name = args.name || "ERROR", -- items name
desc = args.desc || "ERROR: Some idiot forgot to give this item a description.", -- items description
model = args.model || "models/props_phx/gears/bevel12.mdl", -- items model
stack = args.stack || 1, -- items max stack size
soulbound = args.soulbound, -- if item could be dropped/traded to other players
equipslot = args.equipslot, -- slot for the equipable
equipgive = args.equipgive,
equipeffect = args.equipeffect, -- equip buff like in other MMO RPG games
rarity = args.rarity || Quantum.Rarity.Trash, -- rarity of the item
useeffect = args.useeffect, -- use effect
consumeeffect = args.consumeeffect --consume effect
5 years ago
item.stack = math.Clamp( item.stack, 1, Quantum.Inventory.MaxStackSize ) -- clamp it so it does not go over the max size
if( item.equipslot != nil ) then item.stack = 1 end -- make the stack size to 1 if equipable
Quantum.Items[itemid] = item
return item
function Quantum.Item.Get( id )
return Quantum.Items[id]
if SERVER then
Quantum.Server.Item = {}
function Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItem( pos, itemid, amount )
if( pos == nil || itemid == nil || amount == nil ) then return end
if( Quantum.Item.Get( itemid ) != nil ) then
local itemEnt = ents.Create( "q_item" )
if( IsValid( itemEnt ) ) then
itemEnt:SetPos( pos )
itemEnt:InitializeItem( itemid, amount )
timer.Simple( math.Clamp( Quantum.Server.Settings.ItemDespawnTimer, 1, 600 ), function()
if( IsValid( itemEnt ) ) then
Quantum.Debug( "Despawned item " .. tostring(itemEnt) .. " [" .. itemEnt.itemid .. "]" )
function Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItemAtPlayer( pl, itemid, amount ) -- Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItemAtPlayer( Entity(1), "potatoe", 1 )
Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItem( pl:GetPos() + ( pl:GetForward() * 40 ) + Vector( 0, 0, 40 ), itemid, amount ) -- Quantum.Server.Item.SpawnItemAtPlayer( Entity(1), "jetpack", 1 )
6 years ago