Quantum is a Garry's Mod RPG framework.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

58 lines
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6 years ago
-- __ _ _______ _ __
-- / / /\ | | |__ __| | | \ \
-- / / / \ | |_ __ ___ | | ___ ___| |__ \ \
-- < < / /\ \ | | '_ ` _ \| |/ _ \/ __| '_ \ > >
-- \ \ / ____ \| | | | | | | | __/ (__| | | | / /
-- \_\ /_/ \_\_|_| |_| |_|_|\___|\___|_| |_| /_/
Quantum.Client.Menu = {}
Quantum.Client.Menu.Temp = {}
local libs = {
["net"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_network.lua",
["page"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_pages.lua",
["theme"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_theme.lua",
["dialogue"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_dialogueBox.lua",
["sure"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_areusure.lua",
["fade"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_fade.lua",
["iteminfo"] = GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/lib/cl_menu_iteminfo.lua"
Quantum.Client.Menu.GetAPI = function( lib ) return include( libs[lib] ) end
Quantum.Client.Menu.Menus = {}
local function getMenuIDbyFileName( file )
local str = string.Split( tostring(file), "menu_" )
return string.Split( str[2], ".lua" )[1]
Quantum.Client.Menu.Load = function()
5 years ago
local files = file.Find( GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/menus/menu_*.lua", "LUA" )
Quantum.Debug("Loading menus...")
if( !files == nil || #files <= 0 ) then Quantum.Error( "Failed to load menus! Menu files not found. Contact someone important!\nFiles: " .. tostring(files) .. " (" .. tostring(#files) .. ")" ) end
for i, file in pairs( files ) do -- pretty ineffective but this will only be run ONCE to load all of the menus
local id = getMenuIDbyFileName( file ) -- get the menu id by removing ".lua" and "menu_" from it
5 years ago
Quantum.Client.Menu.Menus[id] = include( GM.FolderName .. "/gamemode/engine/derma/menus/" .. file ) -- put it into the table
Quantum.Debug( "Loaded menu: '" .. tostring(id) .. "'" ) -- debug it
Quantum.Client.Menu.Load() -- load in all of the menus when the player joins (lua autorun)
net.Receive( "quantum_menu_net", function( len, pl )
local dt = net.ReadTable()
if( Quantum.Client.Cache[dt.id] ~= nil && #Quantum.Client.Cache[dt.id] >= 1 ) then
table.Merge( Quantum.Client.Cache[dt.id], dt )
Quantum.Client.Cache[dt.id] = dt || { id = dt.id }
5 years ago
if( Quantum.Client.EnableDebug ) then -- debug
Quantum.Debug( "Datatable size: " .. len .. "b (" .. len/8 .. "B)" )
Quantum.Debug( "[Datatable Contents]")
PrintTable( dt )
Quantum.Debug( "[End of Datatable Contens]" )
5 years ago
Quantum.Client.Menu.Menus[dt.id].open( dt ) -- open the menu