#!/usr/bin/ruby -w require "gosu" load "physobj.rb" class Window < Gosu::Window attr_accessor :freeze, :caption, :physobjs, :planets attr_reader :width, :height def initialize(title, width, height, physobjs = [], planets = []) super width, height @width, @height = width, height self.caption = "#{title}| #{width}x#{height}" @physobjs = physobjs @planets = planets @font = Gosu::Font.new(self, Gosu::default_font_name, 12) @font2 = Gosu::Font.new(self, Gosu::default_font_name, 18) @freeze = false end def button_up(id) super id if( id == Gosu::KbEscape ) then @freeze = !@freeze end end def update if( !@freeze ) then @physobjs.each do |obj| obj.physics end @planets.each do |planet| planet.orbit(@physobjs) end end end private def generate_debug_string(obj) return "\n#{obj.name}\nVel: #{obj.vel.round(4)} (#{obj.vel.magnitude.round(1)})\nAccel: #{obj.accel.round(4)} (#{obj.accel.magnitude.round(4)})\nPos: #{obj.pos.round(4)}\n" end def draw status_text = @freeze ? "FROZEN (Escape to unfreeze)" : "(Escape to freeze)" @font2.draw(status_text, 0, 0, 1, 1.0, 1.0, Gosu::Color::WHITE) @physobjs.each do |obj| obj.render obj.draw_vector(obj.vel, 10) obj.draw_vector(obj.accel, 500, 0xff_aaffaa) obj.render_path @font.draw(self.generate_debug_string(obj), obj.pos[0], obj.pos[1], 1, 1.0, 1.0, Gosu::Color.argb(0xee_aaaaff)) end @planets.each do |planet| planet.render end end end window = Window.new("Physics!", 1600, 900) planet = Planet.new("Sol", window, 0xff_ffffaa, 1e2, 20, 120) planet.pos = Vector[800, 450] cube = PhysCube.new("Cube", window, 8, 8) cube.pos = Vector[800, 450 + 200] cube.vel = Vector[2.5, 0] cube2 = PhysCube.new("Cube2", window, 8, 8) cube2.pos = Vector[800, 450 - 200] cube2.vel = Vector[-2.5, 0] planet.orbit([cube, cube2]) window.planets << planet window.physobjs << cube window.physobjs << cube2 window.show