A poorly written OS for the x86 arch. (WIP)
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18 lines
726 B

[bits 32] ; 32-bit mode
PAGING_ENABLE equ 0x80000001
PAGE_DIRECTORY_ADDR equ 0xf000000f ; TODO: change me to something good
mov eax, PAGE_DIRECTORY_ADDR ; Move the address of the
; page register (page directory) into eax
; (Using eax as a middle-man register)
mov cr3, eax ; Put the address into the cr3 register (required by the MMU)
mov eax, cr0 ; eax as a middle-man register (again)
or eax, PAGING_ENABLE ; perform the OR operation on eax (ex: 0b01 or 0b10 = 0b11)
; This is needed to enable paging (set the flag as "enabled")
mov cr0, eax ; Move it into cr0 to finally enable paging
global enable_paging_registers ; make the SR "global" so that we can access it in the kernel etc