A simple & lightweight x86 operating system

## ### Building & Running Use the `Makefile` in order to build the binaries/objects et cetera- with make.
**To build the OS image run**: `$ make os-image`
**To build the OS image (WITH GRUB) run**: `$ make grub` #### Emulation You can launch eOS with a VM like qemu. Launch *qemu* via *make* by running: `$ make run`. $ make (option) run : Runs the OS with qemu drun : Recompiles the OS and runs it with qemu clean : Remove all object/binary/image files ## ### Planned Features Go to [eOS v1.0 Kanban Board](https://github.com/E-Almqvist/eOS/projects/1) to see the current progress & planned features of the project. ##

### Resources These are the most common resources I used in order to build eOS. I highly recommend them. ##### Books - [Operating Systems: From 0 to 1](https://tuhdo.github.io/os01/) (Open-Source, unfinished) - [Writing a Simple Operating System - from Scratch](https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~exr/lectures/opsys/10_11/lectures/os-dev.pdf) ##### Wikis - [OSDev.org](https://wiki.osdev.org/Expanded_Main_Page)