	push dx ; store dx on stack so that we can compare later

	mov ah, BIOS_DISK_READ ; specify function

	mov al, dh ; read dh amount of sectors
	mov ch, 0x00 ; CYLINDER
	mov dh, 0x00 ; HEAD
	mov cl, 0x02 ; SECTOR

	int BIOS_DISK_INT ; interrupt

	; Error checks
	jc read_error ; carry flag set -> error

	pop dx
	cmp dh, al ; if dh != al then error
	jne sector_error

	mov bx, sector_error_string
	call println

	; Inform the user
	mov bx, read_error_string
	call println

	; Print the error
	mov bx, error_code_string
	call print

	mov dh, ah
	call print_hex 

	mov bx, [ASCII_END]
	call println
	jmp $

read_error_string:		db ASCII_CARRIAGE_RETURN, ASCII_LINEBREAK, "ERROR! Disk read failed.", ASCII_END
error_code_string:		db "Error code: ", ASCII_END
sector_error_string:	db "Invalid number of sectors read!", ASCII_END