isr_debug_ptr equ 0xe222 isr_eip_ptr equ 0xe223 %macro isr_err_stub 1 isr_stub_%+%1: ; Save exception vec mov [isr_debug_ptr], byte %1 ; Save the instruction pointer pop eax mov [isr_eip_ptr], dword eax ; Handle the exception call exception_handler iret %endmacro %macro isr_no_err_stub 1 isr_stub_%+%1: mov [isr_debug_ptr], byte %1 call exception_handler iret %endmacro extern exception_handler isr_no_err_stub 0 ; TODO: make keeb drivers isr_err_stub 1 ; keyboard : noerr isr_no_err_stub 2 isr_no_err_stub 3 isr_no_err_stub 4 isr_no_err_stub 5 isr_no_err_stub 6 isr_no_err_stub 7 isr_err_stub 8 ; err isr_no_err_stub 9 isr_err_stub 10 isr_err_stub 11 isr_err_stub 12 isr_err_stub 13 isr_err_stub 14 isr_no_err_stub 15 isr_no_err_stub 16 isr_err_stub 17 isr_no_err_stub 18 isr_no_err_stub 19 isr_no_err_stub 20 isr_no_err_stub 21 isr_no_err_stub 22 isr_no_err_stub 23 isr_no_err_stub 24 isr_no_err_stub 25 isr_no_err_stub 26 isr_no_err_stub 27 isr_no_err_stub 28 isr_no_err_stub 29 isr_err_stub 30 isr_no_err_stub 31 global isr_stub_table isr_stub_table: %assign i 0 %rep 32 dd isr_stub_%+i %assign i i+1 %endrep