%include "equ/BIOS.asm" %include "equ/ASCII.asm" ; eLIB %include "elib/io.asm" mov ah, BIOS_MODE_TELETYPE ; enter teletype mode (BIOS) mov al, ASCII_LINEBREAK ; linebreak int BIOS_INT test db "eOS", ASCII_CARRIAGE_RETURN, ASCII_LINEBREAK ; Print "eOS" ; ALPHABET PRINT TEST mov al, 64 ; one less than A since we are printing in a loop and it increments before sys interupt loop: ; Print the alphabetic char inc al ; move to next char int BIOS_INT ; bios interupt to print it cmp al, 90 ; 26 letters in english alphabet (64 + 26) jl loop ; if al < 64+26: jmp loop jmp $ times 510-($-$$) db 0 db 0x55, 0xaa