More refactoring

E. Almqvist 4 years ago
parent f79009d157
commit 9260b7c6c6
  1. 42

@ -1,51 +1,25 @@
[org 0x7c00] ; bootsector
mov bx, welcome_string ; Print the welcome string
; Print the welcome string
mov bx, welcome_string
call println
mov bx, info_string ; Print version info
call println
; Read from disk
mov bp, 0x8000
mov sp, bp ; move the stack away so that it does not get overwritten
mov bx, 0x9000
mov dh, 2 ; read 2 sectors
call disk_read ; read
mov bx, read_test_string
call print
mov dx, [0x9000]
call print_hex
; Read second sector
mov bx, byte_sep_string
call print
mov dx, [0x9000 + 512]
call print_hex
mov bx, empty_string
call println
jmp $ ; inf loop
; Constants
%include "equ/ASCII.asm"
; SRs etc
%include "bios.asm"
welcome_string: db "e Operating-System (eOS)", ASCII_END
info_string: db "Version 2021 0.0", ASCII_END
; Data
welcome_string: db "e Operating-System (eOS)", ASCII_CARRIAGE_RETURN, ASCII_LINEBREAK, "Version 2021 0.0", ASCII_END
read_test_string: db "Read bytes: ", ASCII_END
byte_sep_string: db "; ", ASCII_END
empty_string: db ASCII_END
; Bootsector
times 510-($-$$) db 0
db 0x55, 0xaa ; magic BIOS numbers
dw 0xaa55 ; magic BIOS numbers
; Bloat bytes to test reading
; After bootsector
times 256 dw 0xEEEE
times 256 dw 0xAAAA
