Configuration files for my GNU/Linux installation.
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129 lines
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// _ ___ ___ _
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// | |/ _ ) __) _) | | | \ / ___) _ \| _ \| __) |/ _ | / ___) _ \| _ \
// | ( (/ /| | | |_| | | | | | | ( (__| |_| | | | | | | ( ( | |_| | | |_| | | | |
// |_|\____)_| \___)____|_|_|_| \____)___/|_| |_|_| |_|\_|| (_)_| \___/|_| |_|
// A WindowManager for Adventurers (____/
// For info about configuration please visit
modkey: "Mod4",
mousekey: "Mod4",
workspaces: [
output: "DP-4",
y: 0,
x: 0,
height: 1080,
width: 1920,
output: "HDMI-0",
y: 0,
x: 1920,
height: 1080,
width: 1920,
tags: [
max_window_width: None,
layouts: [
// MainAndHorizontalStack,
// MainAndDeck,
// GridHorizontal,
// EvenHorizontal,
// EvenVertical,
// LeftMain,
// CenterMain,
// CenterMainBalanced,
// CenterMainFluid,
layout_mode: Tag,
insert_behavior: Bottom,
scratchpad: [
(name: "Qalc", value: "alacritty -e qalc -t", x: 760, y: 415, height: 250, width: 400),
window_rules: [],
disable_current_tag_swap: true,
disable_tile_drag: false,
disable_window_snap: true,
focus_behaviour: Sloppy,
focus_new_windows: true,
single_window_border: true,
sloppy_mouse_follows_focus: true,
auto_derive_workspaces: true,
keybind: [
(command: Execute, value: "rofi -show drun", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "d"),
(command: Execute, value: "rofi -show ssh", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "s"),
(command: Execute, value: "alacritty", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "Return"),
(command: Execute, value: "chromium", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "b"), //
(command: Execute, value: "playerctl play-pause", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "u"),
(command: CloseWindow, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "q"),
(command: SoftReload, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "x"),
// (command: Execute, value: "loginctl kill-session $XDG_SESSION_ID", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "x"),
(command: Execute, value: "betterlockscreen --lock", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "l"),
(command: Execute, value: "emacs", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "e"),
(command: Execute, value: "flameshot gui", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "Print"),
(command: MoveToLastWorkspace, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "w"),
(command: SwapTags, value: "", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "w"),
(command: MoveWindowUp, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "k"),
(command: MoveWindowDown, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "j"),
(command: MoveWindowTop, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "Return"),
(command: FocusWorkspaceNext, value: "", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "e"),
(command: FocusWorkspacePrevious, value: "", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "q"),
(command: FocusWindowUp, value: "", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "k"),
(command: FocusWindowDown, value: "", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "j"),
(command: IncreaseMainWidth, value: "2", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "l"),
(command: DecreaseMainWidth, value: "2", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "h"),
(command: NextLayout, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Control"], key: "k"),
(command: PreviousLayout, value: "", modifier: ["modkey", "Control"], key: "j"),
(command: ToggleScratchPad, value: "Qalc", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "c"),
(command: ToggleFloating, modifier: ["modkey"], key: "f"),
(command: ToggleFullScreen, modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "f"),
(command: SetLayout, value: "Monocle", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "m"),
(command: SetLayout, value: "MainAndVertStack", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "t"),
(command: SetLayout, value: "LeftWiderRightStack", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "t"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "1", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "1"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "2", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "2"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "3", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "3"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "4", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "4"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "5", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "5"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "6", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "6"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "7", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "7"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "8", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "8"),
(command: GotoTag, value: "9", modifier: ["modkey"], key: "9"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "1", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "1"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "2", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "2"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "3", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "3"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "4", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "4"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "5", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "5"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "6", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "6"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "7", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "7"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "8", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "8"),
(command: MoveToTag, value: "9", modifier: ["modkey", "Shift"], key: "9"),
state_path: None,