local options = { lsp_fallback = true, formatters_by_ft = { -- Divine Intellect Languages lua = { "stylua" }, -- based scala = { "scalafmt" }, -- Web Dev shit javascript = { "prettier" }, typescript = { "prettier" }, javascriptreact = { "prettier" }, typescriptreact = { "prettier" }, css = { "prettier" }, scss = { "prettier" }, html = { "prettier" }, -- Data Science & AI stuff python = { "black" }, sh = { "shfmt" }, -- Joke langs haskell = { "stylish-haskell" } }, -- adding same formatter for multiple filetypes can look too much work for some -- instead of the above code you could just use a loop! the config is just a table after all! -- format_on_save = { -- -- These options will be passed to conform.format() -- timeout_ms = 500, -- lsp_fallback = true, -- }, } require("conform").setup(options)