Configuration files for my GNU/Linux installation.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

21 lines
698 B

prepend_zero () {
seq -f "%02g" $1 $1
artist=$(echo -n $(cmus-remote -C status | grep "tag artist" | cut -c 12-))
5 years ago
if [[ $artist = *[!\ ]* ]]; then
song=$(echo -n $(cmus-remote -C status | grep title | cut -c 11-))
position=$(cmus-remote -C status | grep position | cut -c 10-)
minutes1=$(prepend_zero $(($position / 60)))
seconds1=$(prepend_zero $(($position % 60)))
duration=$(cmus-remote -C status | grep duration | cut -c 10-)
minutes2=$(prepend_zero $(($duration / 60)))
seconds2=$(prepend_zero $(($duration % 60)))
echo -n "$artist - $song [$minutes1:$seconds1/$minutes2:$seconds2]"
5 years ago