Collection of python scripts to decrypt or encrypt stuff.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

29 lines
922 B

from lib.input import *
from lib.vars import alphabet
from lib.vars import listToString
if( inputHasKeys(["-k", "-i", "-a"]) ):
in_key = int(getValueOfKey("-k"))
in_txt = getValueOfKey("-i")
in_alphabet = getValueOfKey("-a")
print(" -k {int KEY} -i {string TXT} -a {string ALPHABET_TYPE}")
alen = len(alphabet[in_alphabet])
txt_list = list(in_txt)
decryp_list = [""] * len(in_txt)
for char in txt_list:
index = alphabet[in_alphabet].index(char)
print("Decrypting char-index: " + str(txt_list.index(char)) + " (" + char + ")")
index = index + in_key # shift the alphabet
while( index >= alen ): #cycle through the alphabet
diff = (index + in_key) - (alen - 1)
index = 0 + diff # a bit spaghetti but who doesn't like spaghetti
decryp_list[txt_list.index(char)] = alphabet[in_alphabet][index]
print( "Output: " + listToString(decryp_list) )