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155 lines
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155 lines
2.9 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input # AoC
import re # regex
navigation = get_input(12).splitlines()
def parseNav(nav):
regex = r"^([A-Z]{1})([0-9]+)$"
return re.match(regex, nav).groups()
boatfacing = "E" # start facing east
boatfacingClock = ["E", "S", "W", "N"]
boatfacingIndex = 0
boatpos = {
"N": 0,
"E": 0
boatpos2 = {
"N": 0,
"E": 0
waypoint = {
"N": 1,
"E": 10,
"S": 0,
"W": 0
pointkeys = "N E S W".split(" ")
# W = - E
# S = - N
def copyList(lst):
return [elem for elem in lst]
def move(dist, di):
pos[di] += dist
def rotate( deg, boatclock, face ):
clock = copyList(boatclock)
clocklen = len(clock)
facei = clock.index(face)
rots = int(deg / 90)
facei += rots
while(facei < 0):
facei += clocklen
facei = facei % clocklen
face = clock[facei]
return face
from collections import OrderedDict
from itertools import islice, cycle
def shift_dict(dct, shift):
shift %= len(dct)
return OrderedDict(
(k, v)
for k, v in zip(dct.keys(), islice(cycle(dct.values()), shift, None))
def calcDistance(pos):
dist = 0
for direction, units in pos.items():
dist += abs(units)
return dist
def runNav(nav, pos, facing, facingClock, facingIndex):
na, num = parseNav(nav)
num = int(num)
if( na == "N" ):
pos["N"] += num
elif( na == "S" ):
pos["N"] -= num
elif( na == "E" ):
pos["E"] += num
elif( na == "W" ):
pos["E"] -= num
elif( na == "R" ):
facing = rotate(num, facingClock, facing)
elif( na == "L" ):
facing = rotate(-num, facingClock, facing)
elif( na == "F" ):
if( facing == "N" or facing == "E" ):
pos[facing] += num
elif( facing == "W" ):
pos["E"] -= num
elif( facing == "S" ):
pos["N"] -= num
return pos, facing, facingIndex
def wayrotate( deg, point ):
rots = (int(deg / 90)) * (-1)
point = shift_dict(point, rots)
return point
def forward( way, pos, num ):
nor = (way["N"] - way["S"]) * num
eas = (way["E"] - way["W"]) * num
pos["N"] += nor
pos["E"] += eas
return pos
def runNavWay( nav, way, pos ):
na, num = parseNav(nav)
num = int(num)
if( na in pointkeys ):
way[na] += num
elif( na == "R" ):
way = wayrotate(num, way)
elif( na == "L" ):
way = wayrotate(-num, way)
elif( na == "F" ):
pos = forward( way, pos, num )
return pos, way
for nav in navigation:
boatpos, boatfacing, boatfacingIndex = runNav(nav, boatpos, boatfacing, boatfacingClock, boatfacingIndex)
#print(f"\nPOS {boatfacing=} {boatpos=}")
for nav in navigation:
boatpos2, waypoint = runNavWay(nav, waypoint, boatpos2)
#print(f"\n POS {boatpos2=} {waypoint=}")
print("Part1:", calcDistance(boatpos))
print("Part2:", calcDistance(boatpos2))