44 lines
1.3 KiB
44 lines
1.3 KiB
using System;
using System.IO;
namespace Day2 {
class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {
string input = File.ReadAllText(@"./input.txt"); // get the input
string[] inputs = input.Split( ",", StringSplitOptions.None );
int[] intcodes = Array.ConvertAll( inputs, str => int.Parse( str ) ); // convert all of the contents to int's
int[] output = new int[intcodes.Length];
Part1.compile compile = new Part1.compile();
//// Part 1 stuff ////
intcodes[1] = 12;
intcodes[2] = 2;
output = compile.intcode( intcodes, false ); // run the intcode program
Console.WriteLine("\n--Intcode result--");
for( int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++ ) {
if( i != output.Length - 1 ) {
Console.Write( output[i].ToString() + "," );
} else {
Console.Write( output[i].ToString() + "\n" );
Console.WriteLine( "--End of Intcode result--\n" );
Console.WriteLine( "Part 1 result: " + output[0].ToString() ); // get the pos 0
//// Part 2 stuff ////
Part2.calcInputs calcInputs = new Part2.calcInputs();
int[] intcodes2 = intcodes; // make a new instance of it
int res;
res = calcInputs.bruteforce( intcodes2, 8, false );
Console.WriteLine( "Part 2 Result: {0}", res );