My solutions for Advent of Code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

117 lines
1.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input
import re
seats = get_input(5).splitlines()
curSeats = seats
maxRow = 128
maxCol = 8
seatMap = [ [seat for seat in range(0, maxCol)] for seat in range(0, maxRow) ]
def toList(string):
list = []
list[:0] = string
return list
def splitList(l):
half = int(len(l) / 2)
return l[:half], l[half:]
def parseRows(x, row):
no = None
for coord in x:
if(coord == "L"):
row, no = splitList(row)
elif(coord == "R"):
no, row = splitList(row)
return row
def parseThing(x:str):
regexThing = re.split(r"(R|L)", x)
rowsList = regexThing[1:]
rows = ""
for char in rowsList:
rows += char
rows = toList(rows)
cols = regexThing[0]
seat = toList(cols)
seats = seatMap
no = None
curCol = [col for col in range(0, 128)]
for coord in seat:
if( coord == "F" ):
seats, no = splitList(seats)
spl = splitList(curCol)
curCol = spl[0]
elif( coord == "B" ):
no, seats = splitList(seats)
spl = splitList(curCol)
curCol = spl[1]
chair = parseRows(rows, seats[0])[0]
return curCol[0], chair
def getSeatID(coords):
return coords[0] * 8 + coords[1]
# Part 1
high = ((0,0), 0)
usedSeats = seatMap
for seat in seats:
coord = parseThing(seat)
seatid = getSeatID(coord)
usedSeats[coord[0]][coord[1]] = False
if(seatid > high[1]):
high = (coord, seatid)
# Part 2
mySeat = None
for s in range(len(usedSeats)):
for r in range(0, 8):
if( s in range(1, 126) ):
#print("(FIRST) None at", s, r)
mySeat = mySeat or (s, r)
print("Part1:", high[1])
print("Part2:", getSeatID(mySeat))