My solutions for Advent of Code.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

149 lines
3.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input
import re
inp = get_input(4)
newPort = "\n\n"
specialPara = ["byr", "iyr", "eyr", "hgt", "hcl", "ecl", "pid"]
eyecolors = "amb blu brn gry grn hzl oth".split(" ")
ports = inp.split(newPort)
def getPortsParam(port):
port = port.replace("\n", " ")
paras = port.split(" ")
out = []
for p in paras:
if( p != "" ):
para = re.match("(\w+):", p).groups()[0]
return out
def checkPorts(ports, valids, ignore:list = ["cid"]):
paras = []
for p in ports:
count = 0
for para in paras:
check = all(p in para for p in valids)
print(check, para, valids)
count += 1
return count
def getPortsValParam(port):
port = port.replace("\n", " ")
paras = port.split(" ")
out = []
for p in paras:
if( p != "" ):
val = re.split(":", p)[1]
para = re.match("(\w+)\:", p).groups()[0]
out.append([para, val])
return out
def checkVal(par, val):
valid = True
if( par == "byr" ):
valid = int(val) <= 2002 and int(val) >= 1920
print("byr", int(val), valid)
elif( par == "iyr" ):
valid = int(val) <= 2020 and int(val) >= 2010
print("iyr", int(val), valid)
elif( par == "eyr" ):
valid = int(val) <= 2030 and int(val) >= 2020
print("eyr", int(val), valid)
elif( par == "hgt" ):
num, typ = re.match("(\d+)(\w+)", val).groups()
if( typ == "cm" ):
valid = int(num) <= 193 and int(num) >= 150
print("hgt cm", int(num), valid)
elif( typ == "in" ):
valid = int(num) <= 76 and int(num) >= 59
print("hgt in", int(num), valid)
valid = False
elif( par == "hcl" ):
string = val.split("#")[1]
check1 = len(string) == 6
validhex ="^([a-fa-f0-9]{6})$", string)
print("hcl", val, len(string), check1, validhex)
if( not validhex ):
valid = False
valid = False
elif( par == "ecl" ):
valid = val in eyecolors
print( "ecl", val, eyecolors, valid )
elif( par == "pid" ):
num = int(val)
check = len(val) == 9
valid = check
print("pid", num, len(val), val, check)
valid = False
elif( par == "cid" ):
valid = True
valid = False
return valid
def checkPortsVALID( ports, paras ):
count = 0
for port in ports:
ps = getPortsValParam(port)
parasPort = getPortsParam(port)
portsValid = True
portsValid2 = True
check2 = all(p in parasPort for p in paras)
if( not check2 ):
portsValid2 = False
for p in ps:
if(p != ""):
param = p[0]
val = p[1]
check1 = checkVal(param, val)
if(check1 == False):
portsValid = False
if( portsValid == True and portsValid2 == True ):
count += 1
return count
check1 = checkPorts(ports, specialPara)
pcheck2 = checkPortsVALID( ports, specialPara )
print("Part1:", check1)
print("Part2:", pcheck2)