My solutions for Advent of Code.

50 lines
1.2 KiB

using System;
namespace Part2 {
public class calcInputs {
public int bruteforce( int[] input, int find, bool debug ) {
int noun, verb;
int[] input_c; // keep a version of the original
int[] output = new int[input.Length];
bool success = false;
int min = 0; // min and max for the input values
5 years ago
int max = 16; //
int maxcombos = Convert.ToInt16( Math.Pow( (double)(max + 1), 2.0 ) );
Part1.compile compile = new Part1.compile();
for( int c = 0; c < max + 1; c++ ) {
noun = Math.Clamp( c, min, max );
// check every verb with c (the noun)
for( int i = 0; i < max + 1; i++ ) {
input_c = input; // reset the intcode
verb = Math.Clamp( i, min, max );
input_c[1] = noun;
input_c[2] = verb;
output = compile.intcode( input_c, debug );
if( output[0] == find ) {
Console.WriteLine( "\n({0}) Found: {1}, {2}", find, noun, verb );
success = true;
return (100 * noun) + verb;
if( success == true ) { break; }
if( success == false ) {
Console.WriteLine( "Nothing found :(" );
return -1;
return -1;