My solutions for Advent of Code.
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from aoc import get_input # AoC
import re # regex
rules = get_input(7).splitlines()
colorRules = dict()
for rule in rules:
ops = rule.split( " bags contain " )
contains = ops[1].split(", ")
color = ops[0]
colorRules[color] = contains
target = "shiny gold"
nobags = "no other bags."
def parseColor(color):
contains = colorRules[color]
containsNum = dict()
count = 0
if( len(contains) > 0 ):
for cont in contains:
if( cont != nobags ):
amount, col1, col2 = re.match("^([0-9]+) ([a-zA-Z]+) ([a-zA-Z]+)", cont).groups()
col = col1 + " " + col2
containsNum[col] = int(amount)
return containsNum
def getLeastOne(color, count=0):
cont = parseColor(color)
out = 0
am = cont[target]
print("##", color, cont, "RET 1\n")
if(am > 0):
return 1
for col, amount in cont.items():
print(f"#### {col} |", color, cont, "next")
out = getLeastOne(col)
if( out == 1 ):
return out
def getBagList(color):
contents = parseColor(color)
bag = [color]
if(len(contents) > 0):
for clr, amount in contents.items():
bag += [getBagList(clr)] * amount
return bag
bags = getBagList(target)
def getAmountAllThing(bags):
count = 0
for bag in bags:
if type(bag) == list:
count += getAmountAllThing(bag)
count += 1
return count
print(getAmountAllThing(bags)- 1)